Refund Policy


We are so confident that you will love our products, that all products come with a FREE replacement warranty for 30 days from purchase.
If your purchase does not match the description or is the item is defective, please contact us within 48 hours of receiving your order - we will make sure that all of your issues are resolved.
If you received the wrong item, please contact us within 48 hours of delivery. We will arrange to deliver the correct items or return all your payment.
For defective or faulty products, please take photos or videos and email us at - we will replace or refund your purchase after the confirmation.
PLEASE NOTE: This policy does not cover misuse, accidental damage, water damage, or any abuse of the purchased product. We cover shipping costs for returns due to damaged or defective goods only. For all other reasons, the customer will need to return the goods to our warehouse and cover charges for the transport. Please be sure to get a tracking number when you ship the order back to us. We will not be held responsible for items lost, stolen, or damaged during return transit.